Saturday, February 2, 2013

15 Weeks

15 weeks, as of yesterday!  I have my 16 week check up this week.  I have to say, second trimester is much better than the first.  I'm not going to bed at 7 anymore, not wanting to nap all day long, and I'm definitely able to eat more foods.  And cooking onions doesn't make me want to pass out either.

So I know I'm doing the ultrasound pictures (so far) a month behind.  So here are the 12 week pics. And I've tried 174,023 ways to get it to be horizontal and not vertical, but I can't figure it out.  If I ever do, I'll fix it.  But for now, sorry! 

I think it looks like he's chilling in a hammock...vertically that is. :)

And here's the 4D shot.  It was really awesome to see him/her moving all over the place, arms above his head, rolling looked like he was dancing. :) 

At my 16 week check up, they said they were not planning on going to do an ultrasound, but I'm going to ask and see if they can anyway.  Especially if it is a boy, most ultrasound techs can tell which gender it is by 16 weeks.  And the sooner I know, the better!

If I do get an ultrasound and more baby pics this week, I'll post them.  If not, these are it until 20 weeks! 
Other than baby bump pictures, that is.


I have about a million house pictures to show yall--we closed about a week and a half ago and in the past week, have painted several rooms and trim, and have had an old built in bookshelf between the dining and kitchen ripped down and replaced with a bar. We spent hours ripping down wallpaper and border off of plaster walls--there could be no worse combo than plaster and wallpaper. Ugh! But it's done.
Oh and the floor guys began tiling too, one bathroom down so far I think. 

By the end of this week, the kitchen and bathroom tiling will be done, carpet will be put down in the bedroom, the kitchen countertops will be installed, and surely more painting will be done. Lots of changes!!

And lots of pictures to show.  But for now, I'm exhausted.  Pics to come once I weed through them all!

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