Friday, January 4, 2013

11 Weeks

 Well, I'm pregnant!  Today makes it week 11 of baby Fraz!  This first trimester has already gone so quickly, despite wanting to sleep every minute and not being able to.

We are so thrilled to be expecting an addition to our family this July.  Somehow July seemed further away when it was on the other side of Christmas.  Now, it's only 6 months!

That means that before now and the baby arrival, we are closing on a house (11 days from now), making updates to the house including tile floors, some version of new countertops, LOTS of painting everywhere, some wallpaper ripping, maybe new windows?, and then moving in at the end of February.  And lots more nesting will then commence.  

When we let ourselves, we can easily get stressed out about all things house related, money related, work related, and new parent related.  The list could possibly go on all day.  So while I am here at home right now I am trying to make a point to remember that everything I've ever stressed about has always worked out.

Not because I planned it well.

Or am amazing at fixing problems.

And not necessarily how I wanted it to.  Oh, how often it wasn't!

But because God has always had and always will have the perfect plan for our lives.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
--Jeremiah 29:11

What would happen in my life if I fully and completely trusted that?  That God does have plans to prosper me and not to harm me?

It would mean a lot less time wasted on worrying or analyzing the future.

It would mean living more fully in the present rather than anything in the past or the future. 

That's what I want.  And I know that's what God wants for all of His children, too.

So for today, what that means for me is drinking a cup of tea, marveling over the fact that there didn't used to be a baby Frazier and now there is, and how none of it was controlled by me.  Yes, as far as humans can plan, we planned this, but we have no control in our lives despite what we like to pretend.

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps."
--Proverbs 16:9

Here he/she is about a month ago!  I know ultrasound pictures when the baby is so little are difficult to read, but that little white elongated shape in the middle of the black circle is the baby's body, and the smaller dark circle near the bottom is the baby's brain.  So basically we're looking at the baby almost upside down.

Now three weeks later, he's grown a lot and is one week away from being done with growing all the organs needed for the rest of his life.  After that, he's going to just grow and get huge!

"Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him."
--Psalm 127:3

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